Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Devolution of the Nation ...

Obstructionism in Washington appears to give way to State action in ways that maybe the Reaganites never imagined when they set out to break the Federal Government and Judiciary as a tool of Liberal values:

The governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington said they would develop a regional target to lower greenhouse gases and create a program aimed at helping businesses reach the still-undecided goals. "In the absence of meaningful federal action, it is up to the states to take action to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this country," Governor Napolitano, a Democrat of Arizona, said. "Western states are being particularly hard-hit by the effects of climate change."

... And Mr. Schwarzenegger and Britain's Prime Minister Blair announced plans to work toward a possible joint emissions-trading market. -The NY Sun

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